GPS Kit for Porsche 991.1 & 991.2

This kit will allow GPS lap timing in all Porsche 991.1 and 991.2 cup cars. This 20Hz version provides very fast and accurate GPS data, meaning lap times will be perfect every time.

Using the Race Grade GPS from RaceGrade, and custom harness, this makes GPS integration into the car is very quick and easy. Lap timing is accomplished by updating the dash configuration via Pi Toolset to use GPS beacons. A folder of all the common tracks in the US is below. Please contact us if you need one that isn’t in the list.

  • The GPS delivers high-precision, differential positioning accuracy of 60 cm, 95% of the time
    • 67% of the time precision will be 30cm
    • Consumer off the shelf GPS is typically no less than 2.5M
  • COAST and SureTrack routines maintain sub-meter DGNSS positioning for 40 minutes after SBAS correction loss